Esperiments - 2

In laboratory we have verified the reaction of some molecules to the flame, using a wire of copper and other substances.

The wire had the function to carry the substances to contact with the fire, it became red-hot and the flame orange.

We have carried to the flame liquid hydrochloric acid. The flame was initially orange and then green.

We have then carried to the flame the magnesium sulfate formed from white crystals, also this time the flame has become orange.

Then the fuchsia crystals of cobalt chloride created a green and orange flame and then blue, and it provoked of the yellow sparkes.

The copper carbonate, that is formed from green water crystals, provoked one blue flame, green water, orange and yellow.

The grey antimony crystals provoked a green and orange flame.

The grey aluminum powder has instead simply modeled the blue part of the flame.

The iron cyanide of potassium with yellow crystals, created a violet .



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