Democritus ( Abdera 460 b.C
. 370 a.C. ). Greek philosopher, he developed the atomic theory of universe, already sketched by its teacher, Leucippo.
He was a very prolific author, with many interests, but now we have some fragments of its writings.

In the opinion of Democritus every thing is constituted by atoms, very small particles of pure substance, they are invisible and unalterable.

Always they move in the infinite and vacuum space.

The atoms are composed of the same substance, but they have different forms, order and position.


Democritus developed a cosmology in that the universe is created by worlds that are originated by the perpetual, vorticose movement of atoms: the atoms collide, rotate, and form more large aggregations.

Democritus wrote around ethics, pointed out the happiness like the best things for humanity, reachable with a peaceful moderation.

He became famous like "joy philosopher" in contrast with Heraclitus, the "crying philosopher".


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